Monday, November 28, 2011

Alliday Artist: Meet NancyLand!

Tell us a little about yourself and your business.
I'm Nancy Terry. Daughter of a fine seamstress, Grandaughter of a Quilter and seamstress, who was also a rag picker. Nothing was wasted. Indulged in art as a child. I've been sewing since I was a child. I also love to draw.     
What do you create and what do YOU love about your products?
I make hats and accessories. I love hats and could never afford what I wanted so I taught myself. Over many years of development I find my hats to be very wearable. It is only in the last year I have begun to make Facinators. I call mine Tantilizers and they can be pure expressions of fun!
Where do you find inspiration?
Fabrics, textures and colors. Vintage and modern shapes. My friends!
The Alliday Show believes that everyday should be celebrated as a holiday! That being said, which holiday do you wish were everyday and why?
Thanksgiving. A time to celebrate what we have, who we are and our conection to each other.                                                                                                                                                                  
If you could create your own holiday, what would it be and why?
World Peace Day. A day when all conflict everywhere would halt and everyone would celebrate what every human being has to offer.
What is your favorite holiday tradition?
Handmade toys for Angel tree girls and boys.
How would you describe your work in three words?     
Fun, practical, conversational!